
Bao Bo, vice general of Hongrui Capital; Gao Jianming, chief economist; Zhang Fan, senior investment manager, et.al paid a visit to China Kingho Qinghai Group.

來源: China Kingho Qinghai Group
編輯: 阿勇
發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2013-05-17
訪問量: 4918

News from China Kingho Qinghai Group (Correspondent Qi Zhilai) Form May 14 to 17, Bao Bo, vice general of Hongrui Capital; Gao Jianming, chief economist; Zhang Fan, senior investment manager, et.al paid a visit to China Kingho Qinghai Group.
Accompanied by Xu Tianlong, Quan Guojun and other leaders of Qinghai Group, the investigation team went to Galinge Dressing Plant of Golmud Mining Corporation, Kendekoke Iron Mine, the workshops of Ulan Coal Chemical Company and Muli Coal Mine to learn and investigation the operation, management and corporate cultural construction.
During the visit, leaders and principals of factories and mines detailed about their operation, enterprise management, technological process, equipment operation, product quality, enterprise culture, etc. They also widely exchanged opinions on related issues. The investigation team highly appreciated the orderly production and management, management philosophy, operation mode & cultural construction, etc. In Golmud Mining Corporation and Ulan Coal Chemical Company, the team visited the planting and breeding bases with rising interest. They fully recognized their perfect administrative &logistic support and living facilities. The team said that in such a harsh environment, Qinghai Kingho Group still carried out its operation and project construction with remarkable progress. This determined spirit was admiring and moving. There are many things we can learn and borrow, especially in corporate cultural construction.
During the visit, the both parties deeply exchanged their opinions on production and operation, market outlook of products and enterprise management. The team proposed their comments and suggestions on problems the group faced in production and operation. This investigation bridged their friendship and increased mutual trust. The both parties hoped that they would enhance communication and friendship to seek more opportunities for better and faster development.